Wednesday 18 May 2011

Lady Gaga - Born This Way Album Review

Everyone seems to be posting their thoughts and feelings on Lady Gaga's new album. So I thought I would jump on the band waggon and write my thoughts and feelings on how the album plays out. However what I have to say isn't much different to everyone else's thoughts. The album couldn't be better. The albums opener ‘Marry The Night’ had instant likability. It was released a few hours before the album leaked but in that time it reached 10 plays on my iTunes. A very strong track to open with and really sets the pace for the whole album. It leads straight into ‘Born This Way’ which by now feels just like Gaga’s theme song and I am still really enjoying listening to it. Next is ‘Government Hooker’ which is an amazing song but was the first that needed a second listen. Very reminiscent of Christina Aguilera’s ‘Elastic Love’ from her album Bionic, the track is very out there and very daring. After the second listen I completely got the song and hope that people give it a chance after hearing it the first time and just let the song do what it wants and enjoy it. Next up is the smash hit ‘Judas’, which I am still enjoying and is shaping up to be one of my favourite songs of 2011. The fifth track is ‘Americano’ which shocked me at first. Again it is a very experimental track but after a second listen is now one of my favourite tracks on the album. I spend the whole length of the song waiting for the chorus’s because they are so addictive. Next is the albums second promotional single ‘Hair’ which is amazing. With amazing lyrics and a brilliant aggressive beat the song is easily one of the best on the album. Then came ‘Schiße’. I wondered at first if I had downloaded the wrong song because the German introduction lasted a lot longer than I thought it would. However once the techno beats started I knew it had to be Gaga. With an addictive chorus and interesting verses the song could easily be the next big single from the album. As she speaks in the track ‘If you are a strong female you don’t need permission’ it confirms that is her idea for the whole album. At this point in the album you really get a sense of her vision for the album. Then comes ‘Bloody Mary’ which is another instantly likable song. Strong beats against a backdrop of gentle synthesized string arrangements makes the song very interesting to listen to. The bridge in the song is very enjoyable and makes you want a lot more of it. ‘Bad Kids’ was the one track that took me a while to like and I don’t know why because now I am in love with the 80s style chorus and it is very catchy. From one strong track to another ‘Highway Unicorn (Road 2 Love)’ begins and is a clear favourite among fans already. When the album leaked on twitter everyone was talking about the track stating how good it is and I agree completely. ‘Heavy Metal Lover’ is a song that should be listened to with caution. Once you listen to it you will not get it out of your head for the rest of the day. It is such a ‘stick-in-your-head’ song in a good way. Next up is ‘Electric Chapel’, which has a chorus that leaves you wanting more, in a good way. Reminiscent of Madonna the song brings a very dirty sound to what is nearly the end of the album. Then comes ‘Yoü And I’. Easily one of my favourite Gaga songs to hear live the album version lives up the hype that had been created in the heavy performance count the song has racked up the last few months after being played on the Monster Ball Tour and on the Oprah show. The album closes with what I think is the best track Lady Gaga has ever created. ‘The Edge Of Glory’ was an instant hit after only supposed to being a promotional single. The old school 80s beat and interesting lyrics go to create a fantastic closing to easily the best album of the year.

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